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The authors report a highly controlled approach, based on electron-beam lithography, to interconnect individual nano-objects for transport experiments. The process is based on a three-step procedure, consisting of fabrication of four alignment markers, localization of the nano-object after its immobilization onto functionalized surfaces, and interconnection of the single nanostructure by patterning two nanoelectrodes on its sides. The approach is highly reproducible and widely applicable and allows an alignment accuracy of 15–20 nm. Here they demonstrate the reliability of such technique by using a thin triangular gold nanoprism as the active element and show the I-V characteristics of the single nanostructure.© 2006 American Vacuum Society.[DOI: 10.1116/1.2366606]The development of reliable methods to interconnect and probe the transport properties of single nanostructures/nanoislands is a key issue in nanotechnology. The investigation of their individual properties and their use in practical circuits require the capability of trapping single nano-objects between two planar nanoelectrodes in a precise and reliable manner. The implementation of such technologies is clearly a quite complicated task when nanoscale objects are involved. Two terminal experiments to investigate the fundamental processes involved in charge transfer processes through single nanostructures were firstly carried out by scanning probe techniques, namely, scanning-tunneling microscope1 and conductive probe-atomic force microscope. 2 Nowadays, thanks to the progress in lithographic techniques, various approaches to interconnect and probe nano-objects in …
Publication date: 
1 Nov 2006

A Della Torre, PP Pompa, LL del Mercato, R Cingolani, R Rinaldi, S Shiv Shankar, M Sastry

Biblio References: 
Volume: 24 Issue: 6
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B