An accurate description of the optical response of subwavelength metallic particles and nanogap structures is a key problem of plasmonics. Quantum hydrodynamic theory (QHT) has emerged as a powerful method to calculate the optical response of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) since it takes into account nonlocality and spill-out effects. Nevertheless, the absorption spectra of metallic NPs obtained with conventional QHT, ie, incorporating Thomas-Fermi (TF) and von Weizsäcker (vW) kinetic energy (KE) contributions, can be affected by several spurious resonances at energies higher than the main localized surface plasmon (LSP). These peaks are not present in reference time-dependent density-functional-theory spectra, where, instead, only a broad shoulder exists. Moreover, we show here that these peaks incorrectly reduce the LSP peak intensity and have a strong dependence on the simulation domain size so …
Publication date:
1 Jan 2021
Biblio References:
Volume: 11 Pages: 011049
Phys. Rev. X