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In this work we developed a Smart Breath Analyzer device devoted to the tele-monitoring of exhaled air in patients suffering Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) and home-assisted by mechanical ventilation. The device based on sensors allows remote monitoring of a patient during a ventilotherapy session, and transmit the monitored signals to health service unit by TCP/IP communication through a cloud remote platform. The aim is to check continuously the effectiveness of therapy and/or any state of exacerbation of the disease requiring healthcare. By preliminary experimental tests, the prototype was validated on a volunteer subject.
Springer International Publishing
Publication date: 
18 Jan 2019

Antonio Vincenzo Radogna, Simonetta Capone, Giuseppina Anna Di Lauro, Nicola Fiore, Valentina Longo, Lucia Giampetruzzi, Luca Francioso, Flavio Casino, Pietro Siciliano, Saverio Sabina, Carlo Giacomo Leo, Pierpaolo Mincarone, Eugenio Sabato

Biblio References: 
Pages: 465-471
Sensors: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Sensors, February 21-23, 2018, Catania, Italy