Design of novel plasmonic metamaterials based on different effects of plasmon coupling:
2D and 3D plasmonic materials Active plasmonic materials (Magneto Plasmonics) Hybrid plasmonic...The Lecce IMM unit has a 20 years old research experience on room temperature semiconductors X-Ray Detectors. Past projects have been devoted to the development of GaAs and Cd(...
Present research activity is devoted to design, fabrication and functional tests of low cost capacitive pressure sensors coupled with dielectric...
Present research topic at IMM-CNR in Lecce is related to design, optimization and development of wearable and flexible...
The research in the field of chemical sensors is always fascinating and challenging! It renews itself continuously according to market needs and technological advances and...
IMM Lecce has a strong expertise in 1) fabrication and functional characterization of plasmonic transducers for gas and bio-sensing applications 2) research and...