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The Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) in Lecce comes from the former Institute for the Study of New Materials for Electronics (IME) estabislhed in 1990, thogether with other 5 Institutes working in different scientific areas,  in the frame of  a strategic national initiative finalised to the reinforcement of the CNR network in the South of Italy.

The whole initiative and the start-up of the IME Institute was a part of a national and local governmental strategy in the “Salento” geographical area which included the enlargement of the University of Lecce with the Engineering Faculty  and also the National Centre for the Research and Development on Materials (CNRSM) in Brindisi, all managed and strongly supported by Prof. Angelo Rizzo, who was the promotor but also the first Director of the Institute in the first years of activity. In the subsequent years the Director was Prof. Lorenzo Vasanelli until the new rules in CNR established that in the frame of a rationale organisation of the national network it was necessary to create qualified Macro-Institutes having critical mass and relevant dimensions and scientific competences in order to be competitive at international level.


In this way the former IME Institute became one of the territorial sections of the new Marco-Institute that was named “Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM)”.


Anyway, since the beginning as IME and now as IMM, the Unit in Lecce have reached  during the years an excellence level, well consolidated and recognised in the international community, mainly in the fields related to the development of Enabling Technologies for the realisation of advanced materials and miniaturised devices, sensors and microsystems, being now a regional, national and international reference point in many applications sectors (energy, biomedical, agrofood, environmental, aerospace, Ambient Assisted Living) having also a strong socio-economic impact on the territory thanks to the strong link to the eco-system of the Small Medium Entreprises (SME) and Large Companies.


A TRIBUTE IN MEMORY of Prof. ANGELO RIZZO, promoter and first Director of IME-CNR and then reference point in the history of IMM-Lecce Unit



Angelo Rizzo died on November 3rd , 2002. He was known to most of people as an extraordinary man, rich of a huge amount of humility and humanity, with an everlasting energy and enthusiasm not only for his science but also for life in general. It is therefore extremely sad that, at an age of 58 and at the highest point of his career, he was taken away from us. We have lost an outstanding scientist, an important scientific leader and, for many of us, a good friend. He was friend and colleague but he was also a hard fighter when he wanted to realise, by means of his determination, his projects and objectives, mainly when they were related to the economic and social development of the south part of Italy



Angelo Rizzo was full Professor of Physics since 1981 at the University of Lecce, Chancellor of the University of Lecce in the period 1992-2001, Director of IME-CNR of Lecce (the Institute for the Study of New Materials for Electronics of the National Council of Research), President of the CNR Research Area in Lecce,  Technical-Scientific Director of CNRSM (the National Centre for Material Research and Development) in Brindisi, President of the Foundation of the Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia, and others.


Angelo Rizzo was an innovative scientist full of new ideas, continuously active in transferring new technology to the industry. He was the leader, inspirator and mentor of many new students and young co-workers, focussing the attention to the Excellence. His ability to inspire young scientist can be seen in the outstanding quality of the research in the scientific pole in Lecce, including some institutions founded by him: the Department of Engineering Innovation in the University, the Institute for the Study of New Materials for Electronics (IME) and just before he died the Superior Institute for the Interdisciplinar Education ISUFI.


This is the way we will always remember him, as a person full of ideas and with a rare ability to give of himself the idea of both an extraordinary scientist and as a near and a warm and interesting friend. We are therefore very grateful for the privilege to have known Angelo Rizzo. The Materials Science community lost one of her most driving force.


Due to is extraordinary activity, his intelligence and his charisma we will always have pleasant memories of him. He will always live with us, his co-workers and friends.